
Yearly Archives: 2016


Knots in Your Feet


Recently, I have been seeing quite a few patients that present to the office with a complaint of “a knot in the bottom of my foot.” Most of the time, they say that they just get occasional discomfort associated with the area. Many of these “knots” on the bottom of patients feet are plantar fibromas. [...]

Knots in Your Feet2018-09-20T14:01:01+00:00

Hammertoes- How to Treat! Lonnie Kaplan DPM


As you can see from the above picture, even celebrities have foot and ankle abnormalities. One example of this is a hammertoe. A hammertoe is most easily described as a contracture of the toe causing the top of the toe to be prominent. (usually due to abnormal muscle pull) There are many causes of hammertoes [...]

Hammertoes- How to Treat! Lonnie Kaplan DPM2016-03-19T13:24:45+00:00

Foot & Ankle Surgery; What To Expect


Victoria Beckham “You’re going to need surgery,” is a very disconcerting phrase that most people dread hearing from a medical professional, but when it comes to surgeries prescribed by your podiatrist, you can put your mind at rest. Foot and ankle procedures generally have a recovery period that is much shorter than that [...]

Foot & Ankle Surgery; What To Expect2018-09-20T14:04:28+00:00

New Years Resolution for Weight Loss? Lonnie Kaplan DPM


It's that time of the year where everyone is trying to shed a few pounds from their holiday over eating. I tend to be a regular at the gym and in the last few days, as there are at the beginning of every year, there have been a lot of unfamiliar faces. What needs to [...]

New Years Resolution for Weight Loss? Lonnie Kaplan DPM2016-01-15T16:47:14+00:00

What Is That Moving Bump On My Foot?


A ganglion cyst is a fluid filled lesion that tends to be seen around joints and tendons in the body. It is especially common in the foot and ankle where it is commonly seen on the top of the foot and ankle. Although ganglion cysts are not cancerous, they can cause pain and discomfort in the affected [...]

What Is That Moving Bump On My Foot?2018-09-20T14:10:35+00:00