When most people think of a podiatrist, they think of someone who elderly people go and see to have their nails and calluses trimmed and diabetic shoes ordered. Most people do not realize how important it is for children to see a podiatrist as well. Children tend to be on their feet and are always running around the playground and chasing after friends. A lot of foot and ankle conditions start in childhood and progress through life. What is important to understand is that catching/ treating common foot conditions early in life will make for a world of difference in children as they get older. A lot of times people think that children will just out-grow their foot/ ankle issues and that there is no need for treatment. I have seen so many teens who come in with their parents having foot and ankle conditions (flat foot, in-toes) that could have been avoided or progression slowed down by having treatment earlier in life.

My next set of blogs will discuss lower extremity conditions that children tend to develop and discuss treatment options and when to see a podiatrist. Conditions will include flat feet, Severs Disease, warts, ingrown nails, in toes/out toes amongst many other conditions. It is my hope that after this set of blogs over the next few weeks, you will be better educated on when to bring your children to see a podiatrist to give them the best chance to live a healthy pain free life when it comes to the lower extremities!

Call Quality Foot Care Today at 215-230-9707 to visit with Doylestown’s community podiatrists. We will be happy to discuss the above in detail and help your family stay on their feet!